Closed Guard Sweeps

Closed Guard Sweeps

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Closed Guard Sweeps
  • Closed Guard - Leg Trap Sweep to Mount

    Matt Darcy teaches his favorite sweep to counter a standing opponent.

    Date: 12/10/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Closed Guard - Sleeve Drag Series Part 2 - Sweep to S Mount Armbar

    Matt Darcy teaches how to sweep your opponent from the sleeve drag series. Use this move when your opponent tries to square back up to you. It is important to take advantage of your opponents elbow lines. Dominate them and finish the arm from S Mount.

    Date: 10/22/2018
    Instructor: Matt Da...

  • Beginner Essentials - Closed Guard Scissor Sweep

    Matt Darcy teaches the fundamental scissor sweep from closed guard. This is also the first part of the Cloak and Dagger System.

    Date: 9/20/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Closed Guard - Lapel Wrap System Part 3 - Belly Flop Sweep

    Matt Darcy show part 3 of the system. If the opponent blocks using the other arm, Matt will beat the elbow line and set up the belly flop sweep to mount or the back.

    Date: 9/12/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Combatives - Closed Guard Underhook Clinch to Belly Flop Sweep

    Matt Darcy teaches how to use the under hook clinch control to defend strikes and sweep an opponent or attacker.

    Date: 9/11/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Closed Guard - Under Hook Control to Belly Flop Sweep Triangle

    Matt Darcy teaches how to capitalize on a sweet triangle when your partner tries to recover fro the Belly Flop Sweep.

    Date: 9/6/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Closed Guard - Under Hook Control to Belly Flop Sweep

    Matt Darcy teaches on e of his favorite ways to attack from the guard in nogi. This sweep puts you in great position every time.

    Date: 9/6/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Closed Guard - Lapel Wrap to the Back

    Matt Darcy teaches how to take the back or s-mount when your opponent defends the lapel wrap x-choke.

    Date: 7/30/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Beginner Essentials - Crash Sweep

    One of the most simple and effective sweeps from closed guard. This is a modified version of a traditional flower sweep.

    Date: 6/20/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Class: Sport Fundamentals
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu

  • Foot Trap Pendulum Sweep Setup.

    When your opponent steps up to stop your initial pendulum sweep, pull and trap his foot under to put him on his opposite hip. When he tries to regain his base go back to the original pendulum sweep.

    Date: 6/6/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Beginner Essentials - Pendulum Sweep

    Matt Darcy teaches the Pendulum Sweep from closed guard during fundamentals class. This is a staple system from closed guard that creates dilemmas for your opponent.

    Date: 6/6/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

  • Q&A - Scissor Sweep Troubleshooting

    Date: 4/17/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Class: Fundamentals
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu

    Matt Darcy leads a Q&A in Fundamentals Class.

    Question: "How do I finish scissor sweep? My leg keeps getting jammed up."

  • Q&A - How do I stop my closed guard from being passed immediately

    Date: 4/17/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Class: Fundamentals
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

    Matt Darcy leads a Q&A day in Fundamentals.
    Question: "How to stop my closed guard from immediately being passed?"

  • Defend Strikes With Damage Control to Sit Up Sweep/Kimura

    Date: 3/27/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Class: Fundamental Jiu-Jitsu Combatives Program
    Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

    Matt Darcy shows how to use Damage Control to defend strikes while in closed guard. Then he shows how to hit the sit up sweep and Kimura when your opponent tries to...

  • Under Hook Control to the Back from Guard

    Date: 3/22/2018
    Instructor: Matt Darcy
    Class: Fundamental Jiu-Jitsu Combatives
    Location Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose

    Matt teaches how to use the undertook control from closed guard to defend from strikes and take the back. He also shows how to transition between the clinches in guard.