Thieves Guild Pass from 3/4 Mount
De la Riva Guard Passing
6m 19s
Date: 4/9/2018
Instructor Matt Darcy
Class: Fundamentals
Location Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San Jose
Matt Darcy teaches his favorite way to pass the 3/4 mount position. He loves this pass because it leave him with "Death Pass" grips.
Up Next in De la Riva Guard Passing
Pass De la Riva using the Knee Crosso...
Date: 4/9/2018
Instructor Matt Darcy
Class: Fundamentals
Location Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San JoseMatt Darcy teaches the knee crossover pass from De la Riva. This pass is the third pass in his fundamental De la Riva passing system.
Pass De la Riva Guard to Knee Split M...
Date: 4/4/2018
Instructor: Matt Darcy
Class: 11am Fundamentals
Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San JoseMatt Darcy teaches how to pass De la Riva guard by connecting knees and transitioning to the knee split position where he uses magic mount to get 7 points.
Pass the De la Riva Guard to Knee Cut
Date: 3/28/2018
Instructor: Matt Darcy
Class: Fundamentals
Location: Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu San JoseMatt Darcy teaches how to first shut down the DLR Guard and then pass using the the knee cut.